Shaul Behr - Author

Two free books for you!

Hi, I'm Shaul Behr, author of the new sci-fi with a Jewish flavor, Ari Barak and the Free-Will Paradox. I think you'll really enjoy it, not (only) because I have a high opinion of my own writing, but because just about everyone who's read it has loved it!

But don't take my word for it; try it out yourself! Just sign up to my Book Fans email list, and I'll send you a generous sample of the book, so you can see for yourself if you enjoy it. I don't spam my subscribers; only very occasionally I send out a mail keeping you up to date with latest developments and upcoming releases. You can unsubscribe at any time.

For the same price (i.e. none), I'll throw in a full copy of my short story, The Persuader. It's a thriller with a twist!

Happy reading!

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